Portable Documents
for Galleries, Museums and Institutions
Here you can find PDFs of my Artist Statement and Lecture Proposals for consideration.​
Thank you in advance.
Lecture Proposal
Most of my work, dealing with issues of faith, is about search and survival, both personal and political. I focus on the themes of feminism and social issues in the
South Asian and East Asian diaspora in the United States. I often question the elusive nature of faith in my sculptures and paintings. The work is spiritual, but the
notion of religiosity is universal rather than specific in nature. The large architectural structures are structures of faith for me...

Quest for Bliss
Most of my work is about search and survival. It revolves around and delves into the themes of faith, spirituality, and the universal nature of religiosity. My work is spiritual, but the notion of religiosity is universal rather than specific. In the last few years, I contemplated the fragility of life after my husband was terminally ill...

03 New Videos

05 Woodcuts & Mobiles

04 Works on Canvas

06 Tower Sculptures