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Ela Shah




Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ, M.A. in Fine Arts

C.N. College of Fine Arts, Ahmedabad, India, Diploma in Fine Arts

S.N.D.T University, Bombay, India, Bachelor’s Degree




2023: New Jersey State Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship Award

2006: New Jersey State Council on the Arts fellowship for Painting

1999: New Jersey State Council on the Arts fellowship for Sculpture

1999: Dodge foundation full fellowship for Vermont Studio Center

1995: NJ Innovative Printmaking Fellowship, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

1994: Medal of Honor and Amelia Peabody Memorial Award by National Ass. Women Artists NY (Catalog)

1991: Best Artist of Indian Origin, Cultural Festivals of India, Edison, NJ



Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions:

2023: "Prints from Brodsky Center", Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, NJ

2023: “Passage Taken” Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ
2023: The South Asian Women’s Creative Collective (SAWCC) Social Memory: Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts,  New York, NY 

2023: Art in Embassies Loan exhibition for the US Embassy in Bratislava & Slovakia

2022: “New Jersey Arts Annual: Reemergence exhibition”, NJ state Museum, Trenton, NJ

2022: Art Expo New York, NY

2021: Montclair Art Museum: Annual fund raising show and auction, Montclair Museum, NJ

2016: "Without Borders" Academy Square Gallery, Montclair, NJ

2014:”America” group show New Jersey State Museum, Trenton, NJ

2013: “Passages” solo show Bernstein Gallery, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, NJ

2013:  “ Erasing Borders “ traveling Group show

2009: “contemporary India” Gallery Projects, Ann Arbor, MI

2009: National Association of Women Artists: 120 Years, Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, NJ, The UBS Art Gallery, New York, NY (catalog)

2008: “Passage To New Jersey: Women Artists of the South Asian Diaspora in Our Midst” Brodsky Gallery, New Brunswick, NJ

2008: “Erasing Borders” The Guild Gallery, New York, NY, The Tabla Rasa Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, Hammond Museum, North Salem NY, Queens Museum of Art, Corona Park, NY, Brownson Art Gallery, Westchester, NY (Catalog)

2007: “Sultana’s Dream” Exit Art Gallery, New York, NY (Catalog)

2007: “Erasing Borders” Guild Art USA New York, NY (Catalog)

2007: “Erasing Borders” Queens Museum of Arts, Queens, New York (Catalog)

2006: Solo show “Power Of Faith”, Tomasulo Gallery Union County College, Cranford NJ    

2006: “art wallah” Japanese American Cultural &Community Center, Los Angles, CA

2006: “art wallah” Bamboo Lane Gallery, Los Angles, CA

2005: “Fatal Desire” Queens Museum of Arts, Queens, New York. (Catalog)

2004: “Erasing Borders” Sponsored by Indo-American Arts Council, New York, NY (Catalog)

2004: “Territories” Arts India Gallery, New York, NY. (Catalog)

2004: “Masala” Diversity and Democracy in South Asian Art, The William Benton Museum of Art, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

2004: “The apparent Intersection of near and far: International perspectives in Contemporary Art” Hunterdon Museum of Arts Clinton, N J (catalog)

2004: “Immigration Expectation” Paul Roberson Gallery, Rutgers University. Newark, NJ (Catalog)

2004: “Merging Culture” William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ (Catalog)

2004: “Unveiling The Image” New Jersey Center For Visual Arts, Summit, NJ (Catalog)

2004: “Icons, Symbols and Altars”, Noyes Museum Of Arts, Ocean Ville (Catalog)

2004 “Celestial Boundaries” Montclair State University, NJ (Catalog)

2003:  “Art Explores Religion” Newark Museum, Newark, NJ

2002:  “NJ Artists make prints” Rutgers Center for Innovative Print, N.J State Museum, Trenton (Catalog)

2002:  “NJ Fine Arts Annual” Morris Museum, Morristown, NJ (Catalog)

2002: “NAWA Collection” Zimmerli Art Museum, New Brunswick, NJ

2001:   Solo Show “Faith” Johnson and Johnson World Headquarters, New Brunswick, NJ

2000:   Solo Show “Death Died” South Orange Gallery, S. Orange, N J

2001:  “NAWA SHOW” Grounds for Sculptures, Hamilton, NJ

2000:  “West Orange Cow Parade 2000”,W. Orange NJ

2000:  “Contemporary Sculptures Chesterwood 2ooo” Chesterwood Museum, Stockbridge, MA

1997:  Solo show  “Sailing on Sands” Aljira Gallery, Newark

1997:  “Outdoor Sculpture” Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ

1996   Solo show “Ela Shah” Lalit Kala Academy, Madras, India

1996:  Solo show “Search” Jehangir Art Gallery, Bombay, India

1995:  “Satellite choice” Artist's Space, New York, NY

1994:  “Small Works” City Without Walls Gallery & Travelling Show, Newark, NJ




Recent Public Collections:

N.J. State Museum, Trenton, NJ, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair. NJ; Newark Public Library, Newark, NJ, Jersey City Museum, Jersey City NJ; NJ State Council of the Arts, NJ Air India, NY, NY; R.C.I.P Rutgers University, N.J; Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, NJ; Jain Center in Europe (Mural), Leicester, U.K; Philomatheon Hall, University of Pennsylvania, PA. Children's Specialized Hospital, Mountainville, N.J; Indian Embassy, NY, NY; Zimmerli Museum, Rutgers University, NJ; Johnson and   Johnson Head Quarters; New Brunswick. NJ Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ




Recent Bibliography:

2007: (SEP) TRACKS: Sultana’s Dream and the SAWCC, Brooklyn Trail by Maxwell Heller

2007: “Banged Up, Not Broken down” feature Article, Desi NJ Magazine, NJ

2006: “Making a heaven” feature Article Sunday Star-Ledger, NJ

2004: (April) Masala “Diversity and Democracy in South Asian Art” Review by Holland Cotter, New York Times, New York, NY

2004:  (April) “Art Through Global Prism” Review by Benjamin Genocchio, New York Times, New York, NY

2004: (March) “Diverse Hands” Review by Don Bischoff, Sunday Star Ledger, NJ

2003: “Attempting to build bridges toward Tolerance” Sunday Star-ledger by Dan Bischoff

2002: New Jersey Network Show Images/ Imagenes Artist interview

2002: (May) Feature article “New York Times” by Pooja Makhichand

2000: (Nov) Review by Don Bischoff Star-Ledger, & Ernie Garcia Herald News, NJ

2000: (May) India Abroad, India Post, Feature Article “Gujarat” News Paper NY, NY

1998:  (June) Review by William Zimmer “New York Times”,  N.Y., Montclair Times, Montclair, N.J. "India Today," and "India Abroad" newspaper, NY, NY

1997:  (June) Review by William Zimmer “New York Times”, N.Y. Montclair Times, Montclair, NJ

 1996:  (March) "India Today," & Feature Article "Masala Magazine"

1996:  (Jan) "Bombay Daily News" & "Madras Daily"

1995:  (Feb) Feature Article "Masala" Magazine, & (July) "Navapadkar" Newspaper

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